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Quality Produce, LLC. and Spring Hill Produce, LLC. have a moral obligation to safeguard all workers, our customers, the public and the environment by operating a safe, injury free and healthy workplace, preparing products that are always safe to eat and to minimize our impact on the environment. We strive to maintain our Policy of Sustainability, using drip irrigation to conserve water, regularly rotating our fields and fallow periods, minimizing our use of agricultural chemicals by following an IPM program and increasing use of RPCs to conserve timber resources, amongst other measures.

Our primary concern is that the Vegetable Products we grow and pack are prepared to the highest standards using all the means we can and as a minimum we will comply with all relevant legislation and approved Codes of Practice.

Our minimum operating standards are based on sound science, regulatory requirements and our industries best practices. We will measure compliance against these standards and implement performance objectives to assure our clients and customers that we are providing produce which is safe to eat while meeting quality expectations.

Specifically we will require that:

• Produce is grown and packed under sanitary conditions that minimize the risk of cross contamination.
• All employees are provided with the information, training and tools necessary to do the job hygienically and in compliance.
• All employees comply with company Food Safety Policies and Procedures.
• Management will ensure that employees comply and conform to these Standards.
• Our Suppliers and Contractors adhere to these high standards.

It is my responsibility as Managing Member to ensure that the appropriate resources, human and financial, are committed towards implementing this policy across all our operations and communicating our policies and standards to all employees.

Our Food Safety performance will be regularly reviewed to ensure that it continues to attain the highest standard and that we continue to meet all of the requirements of the industry and the GFSI Audits.




(229) 382·4454 Office

(229) 382·8930 Fax

Bill Brim

President/ CEO

Jessica Brim Kirk

Director Of Food Safety


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